UCD Ubuntu Partnership

Virtuous Cycles in Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in Initial Teacher Education (ITE)

The Ubuntu Partnership, a collaborative initiative between the UCD School of Education and the Ubuntu Network, is dedicated to integrating Global Citizenship Education (GCE) into Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs. Our mission is to foster globally responsible and engaged students by embedding GCE principles into the curriculum through innovative teaching methods and interdisciplinary collaboration.

By building on existing GCE initiatives and leveraging the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, we offer a variety of opportunities for student teachers to meaningfully engage with GCE. This includes specialised modules, interdisciplinary projects, and support for research in GCE, all coordinated and evaluated by our dedicated GCE Teaching Fellow.

Our efforts extend beyond the classroom, fostering a community of practice among educators across various subjects such as Cyber Security, Digital Storytelling, and Sustainable Development. We also focus on capacity building for teacher educators, providing them with the tools and resources needed to integrate GCE into their teaching practices effectively.

Through shared learning events, collaborative projects, and the development of comprehensive teaching resources, the Ubuntu Partnership aims to support and inspire educators as they apply the lens of GCE to their own curriculum areas.

Explore Our Work

PME curriculum development and integration

Collaborative and experiential learning events

Academic contributions and investigations

Innovative interdisciplinary education through the
Collaborative Innovations for Sustainable Futures module

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